CERELA   05438
Unidad Ejecutora - UE
congresos y reuniones científicas
Antioxidant capacity of soybean paste fermented with Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei CRL 207
Congreso; XI Congreso Argentino de Microbiología General; 2015
Institución organizadora:
Thegeneration of reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as hydroxyl, peroxyl or superoxideradicals as well as other oxidant species is inevitable in aerobic metabolismof the human body. When ROS production in the body exceeds its natural defensemechanism, oxidative stress takes place leading to the damage of tissues and tocell death. The regular consumption of antioxidant-rich-foods may help toreduce the deleterious action of ROS and free radicals, and to balance theoxidative stress related to aging process and serious illnesses. Soybeans areimportant bioactive compounds source such as isoflavones and proteins. Theisoflavones in the soybean are mainly found as glucosides but also as itscorresponding aglycones. The mainly antioxidant properties are ascribed to thelatter. On the other hand, in recent years, the antioxidant peptides have drawnthe attention of researchers due to their low molecular weights, goodabsorption profiles, and strong biological activities. In this sense, use the soybeanas source of antioxidant compounds is an alternative to obtain a novel productto human feeding with enhanced nutritional and functional properties. Inprevious work we studied the capacity of L. paracasei susp. paracaseiCRL 207 to hydrolyze the soy protein and increase the isoflavones aglyconesin soy pastes. The aim of this work was analyze the antioxidant activity infermented pastes using L. paracasei subp. paracasei CRL 207. Thepaste from soy flour at 65% of moisture adding glucose 2% was inoculated with L.paracasei subp. paracasei CRL 207 and incubated 37ºC for 24h. Theprotein and isoflavones from fermented soy paste and unfermented (control) wereextracted and their antioxidant activity of them was analyzed. The antiradicaland antioxidant activities were determined spectrophotometrically using thefree radicals DPPH, ABTS and b-carotene-linoleic acid system. For isoflavonesand proteins extracts both activities were increased at 24h of fermentation respectto the control. In the case of proteins an improvement of antiradical activitywas observed regarding the isoflavones. In this work, the enhancement of theantioxidant and antiradical activities of a soy paste by fermentation with L.paracasei subp. paracasei CRL 207 was demonstrated. The consumptionof natural and healthy foods is nowadays the major interest of consumers.Soybean products are very important foods due to their numerous nutritionalbenefits and, their global availability.