PORTO Melina
congresos y reuniones científicas
The visual representation: Investigating and teaching the cultural dimension of foreign language reading
San Antonio
Congreso; Convención Anual 2013 de la Asociación Internacional de Lectura; 2013
Institución organizadora:
International Reading Association
Aclaración: No se trata de una revista sino que las ponencias se publican online. El sistema solo permite elegir entre libro o revista y no permite dejar el espacio sin completar. In this session I propose that the visual representation is a form of textual intervention that is suitable for the investigation of, and instruction on, the cultural dimension of foreign language reading. A visual representation can be defined as the visual representation of textual content including the combination of words, phrases, and/or sentences with visual information in different formats of varying complexity (such as charts, tables, graphs, grids, mind maps, flowcharts, diagrams, drawings, and the like).The session has two sections. In the first one, research-oriented, I briefly describe the investigation in which I have used visual representations to research cultural understanding in an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) college setting in Argentina. The aim of this section is to explain why the visual representation can become a useful research instrument for those involved in the investigation of the intercultural dimension of foreign language reading. In the second section, practice-oriented, I exemplify the visual representation with one student sample, complemented with interview data. I also show the ways in which this instrument can be useful for instruction. I argue that its pedagogic value lays in the fact that it can be used as an instructional tool to address stereotypes and foster critical cultural awareness in the foreign language classroom.