‘Lithium Latin America 2023’

CONICET experts spoke about the outlook for research and development and the country’s strategic role in the main trends.

The 4th International Congress and Exhibition Lithium Latin America 2023, organized by Vostock Capital UK, was attended by specialists in the field from the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) as well as technology providers and investors from Latin America, the United States, Canada and Europe.

The themes discussed at the Congress were the role of the State in the current situation of lithium in Argentina and advances in research, innovation and development of lithium batteries, environmental and social safety, regulatory framework in Argentina, efficient and sustainable technologies for lithium extraction, among others. Experiences were also shared with national and international companies and investors, as well as technology and service providers.

In addition to the different sessions with information of interest to the sector, the Congress included commercial and service exchange activities with innovative technologies, networking round tables, interactive debates and presentations of new and existing lithium projects in Latin America. More than 150 experts, executives and specialized scientists participated.


Participants in the 4th Congress ‘Lithium Latin America 2023’ included

-Ernesto Calvo, researcher at theInstituto de Química, Física de los Materiales, Medio Ambiente y Energía (INQUIMAE, UBA-CONICET), with: ‘Direct Lithium Extraction Method from the Puna Salt Flats’.

-Felix Requejo, researcher and director of the Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas (INIFTA, CONICET-UNLP), with: Valorization of the Li chain, development of active materials for Li ion cells. Importance of the integration of production scales.

-Arnaldo Visintin, researcher at INIFTA, CONICET-UNLP, with: Developments in Argentina of Science and Technique in lithium batteries with added value.

-Verónica Laura Vildosola, researcher at the Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (INN, CNEA-CONICET) with: Lithium isotopes and their applications in nuclear technology.

-Melina Cozzarin, researcher at Y-TEC, with: Development of materials for Lithium Batteries with focus on production in Argentina.

-Fabiana Cristina Gennari, researcher at the National Atomic Energy Commission, with: Development of materials with lithium for energy transition.

-Bruno Fornillo, researcher at the Institute of Latin American and Caribbean Studies (IEALC, UBA), with: The role of the State in the current situation of lithium in Argentina.