Advisory Board

Foto de Dr. Claudia GARCIA BONELLI


She is a biochemist graduated from the School of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, University of Buenos Aires (UBA). She is a bachelor in Clinical Analyses of the School of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, UBA. She is a CONICET principal researcher and Board Member and Quality Responsible of the Technological Platform EBAL (PPL2-08), subsidized by the MINCyT. She is a technical Expert of the Argentine Accreditation Organization. Her workplace is the Institute of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, UBA. Watch video.


Foto de Dr. Jorge A. GURLEKIAN


He is a Doctor in Medicine in the Phonoaudiology Area of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). He is an Electronic Engineer of the National Technological University of Buenos Aires (UTN) and a researcher of the Verbal Communication group of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge and ATR in Kansai. He is an expert in Verbal Communication at the University of Tokyo and Osaka. He is a CONICET principal researcher and Director of the ‘Sensory Research Laboratory (LIS in Spanish) of the INIGEM, CONICET-UBA. Read article.

Foto de Dr. Laura C. PAUTASSI


She is a lawyer who graduated from the National University of Cordoba, Argentina. She is an expert in Planning and Management of Social Policies and is a Doctor in Social Law from the National University of Buenos Aires. Currently she is an independent researcher of the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) and of the ‘Institute of Law and Social Research A. Gioja, School of Law of the University of Buenos Aires. She is a university professor of degree and postdoctoral courses. She was a visiting researcher of the Free University of Berlin and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. She is the Director of the ‘Interdisciplinary Social Rights and Public Policies Group. Read article.

Foto de Dr. Roberto Rivarola

Dr. Roberto Rivarola

He holds a degree in Physics from the National University of Rosario, docteur de Troisième Cycle en Physique, docteur d’État es Sciences de la Université de Bordeaux I, France. He is vice chairman of Technological Affairs of CONICET, elected by the Great Area of Exact and Natural Sciences. He is the president of the ‘Commission on Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics of the International Union of Pure and Applied Sciences’. He was also president of the Argentine Physical Association and Director of the Rosario Institute and the School of Exact and Natural Sciences of the UNR. He is a specialist in Atomic and Molecular Physics and Applications in Medical Physics.

Foto de Dr. Rodolfo PREGLIASCO


He is a Doctor in Physical Sciences graduated from the University of Buenos Aires and holds a degree in Physical Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires. He is an independent Researcher. His scientific discipline is: Physics and his specialty: Forensic Physics –Development of investigation techniques useful in the Judicial Forum. He has experience in complex reconstructions from photos, videos and audio, in incidents of public demonstrations. He works on the Applications of Bayesian Statistics to assess scientific results in the Judicial Forum, external and internal ballistics of 12/70 cartridge posts and the organization of analysis with various techniques available from the S&T system, applied to the resolution of cases. Watch video / read article

Foto de Dr. Carla VILLALTA


She is a Doctor in Anthropology graduated from the School of Philosophy and Letters (UBA). She is a CONICET associate researcher and regular professor of the course on Anthropological Sciences at the School of Philosophy and Letters of the UBA. She is a professor and member of the Academic Commission of the Doctorate in Human Rights of the National University of Lanus. Besides, she is a Co-coordinator of the Political and Legal Anthropology Program and Coordinator of the research team called “Bureaucracies, rights, kinship and childhood” of the ‘Social Anthropology Section, Institute of Anthropological Sciences (FFyL, UBA). Read article.

Foto de Dr. Luciano José MERINI

Dr. Luciano José MERINI

He is a Doctor in Biochemistry, Biotechnology area of the University of Buenos Aires. He is a specialist in Toxicological and Legal Biochemistry and a CONICET Associate researcher. Besides, he is an associate professor in charge of the Chair of Environmental Chemistry of the FCEyN, UNLPam. He is a permanent collaborator of the ‘Center for Analytical Toxicological Advice (CENATOXA). His scientific discipline is Industrial Processes Engineering and Biotechnology. His specialty: Soil phytoremediation. His place of work is: Laboratory of Weeds and Herbicides, EEA-Anguil – INTA. Read article.

Foto de Dr. Andrea SALA

Dr. Andrea SALA

She is a Dr. in Biochemistry who graduated from the UBA. She is an associate professor of the Chair of Forensic Genetics, Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry (UBA). She is a specialist in Forensic Genetics and member of the Genetic Fingerprint Service (SHDG). Her workplace is the Chair of Forensic Genetics and SHDG, Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry (UBA), where she undertakes transfer activities –DNA analysis-, undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and research. Read article.

Foto de Dr. Nora I. Maidana

Dr. Nora I. Maidana

She is a Doctor in Biological Sciences, Phycologist and CONICET principal researcher at the Institute of Biodiversity and Experimental and Applied Biology (IBBEA, CONICET-UBA). She is an expert advisor to the ‘Forensic Medical Group’ and Head of the Laboratory of Biology and Taxonomy of Continental Diatoms of the Department of Biodiversity and Experimental Biology of the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences (UBA). Read article.

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