(Re)thinking education with Judith Butler: A necessary meeting between philosophy and education
Encounters in Theory and History of Education
Queens Univeristy
Lugar: Kingston; Año: 2015 vol. 16 p. 183 - 199
Judith Butler (b. 1956, Cleveland, OH) received a Ph.D. in Philosophy from Yale University. Her teachings, which are known globally and have been translated into more than thirty languages, are influenced by a strong commitment to social struggles and the extension of rights. These contributions ? which have transcended the walls of the university ? have reformulated the philosophical, political, and literary field suggesting innovative, challenging, and provocative conceptualizations that encourage new readings around the human relationships, social institutions, and classic theories that gave birth to them. Her works have been a fertile land on which to broaden the debate, extend the horizons of thinking, and allow resistant and disruptive practices to happen. Her critical analysis on contemporary concerns pierces issues from the ethical to the political and reveals key connections with the social mechanisms of power, subjectivation, language, violence, gender, and the subject, among other themes covered in her prolific work. These issues are also an essential supply for the philosophical, educational, psychological, anthropological, and epistemological thought of our times. On this occasion, we are invited to critically think and rethink central features of contemporary education in a close relationship with the philosophy and illuminated by the reflections that Butler?s work promotes. Throughout the following journey, this philosopher-educator asks us to think about topics that open up to a movement that interrupts normality and offers an invitation to empower ethical-educational action.