CONICET researcher received the Latin American Women in Chemistry 2021

Marta Litter was awarded for her global and social impact contribution to scientific research in chemistry

Marta Litter, researcher of the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) and professor at the Instituto de Investigación e Ingeniería Ambiental (3iA) of the Universidad Nacional de San Martín (UNSAM), received the Latin American Women in Chemistry 2021 given by the American Chemical Society (ACS) and Federación Latinoamericana de Asociaciones Químicas (FLAQ). This prize aims at recognizing Spanish speaking women scientists who have contributed to chemistry and its related sciences. Leadership in Academia is the category that recognizes proven professional careers in the academic field that have global and social impact in the field of scientific research in chemistry.

“I hope this award can encourage young generations to do scientific research in environmental care strengthening ties with the international and national scientific community. I extend this wish to all young people interested (and I hope passionate) in research and technology,” Litter said.

For her part, Maria Julia Culzoni, CONICET independent researcher, got a special mention as a Emerging Leader in Chemistry, for her various achievements, such as her work as head of the Laboratory of Analytical Development and Chemometrics,  as a professor and her research work on the project “Development of analytical platforms for the analysis of biological, food and environmental samples.”

The ACS and FLAQ give this award to promote gender equality in science, technology, engineering and mathematics in Latin America, and also contribute to the development of a more advanced perspective in understanding the impact of diversity in scientific research and in the area of chemistry in general. Besides, this prize aims at recognizing Spanish speaking women scientists who have contributed to chemistry and its related sciences.

“The first edition of the Latin American Women in Chemistry Awards within the framework of CLAQ 2020 is the best opportunity to show the great amount of scientific work that many Latin American women have carried out during the last four decades,” said Diana Cristina Sinuco León, president of the “Sociedad Colombiana de Ciencias Químicas” (SCCQ) and the FLAQ. “There were almost 80 nominees in three categories: 7 for Industry Leader, 34 for Academic Leader and 37 for Emerging Leader in Chemistry,” she added.

Litter holds a Ph.D. in Chemistry (UBA) and a post doctoral degree in Polymer Chemistry at the University of Arizona (USA). Currently, she is an honorary senior researcher at CONICET and professor at 3iA. Her work is oriented to the development of water, air and soil treatment technologies from environmental physical chemistry. Her study focuses on the removal of arsenic in water and spread of this problem worldwide, mainly in Latin America and Argentina.

“I’m grateful to the public university, especially to the University of Buenos Aires, where I was trained from high school. I obtained there my degree and took my doctorate. Besides, I want to thank CONICET, which supported my work in harsh circumstances, and where I am a senior researcher. I also wish to thank the Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica (where I carried out most of my last activities), to the Instituto de Doble Dependencia iiiA-CONICET of the Universidad de General San Martín, where I currently work,” the researcher said and added: “In memory of Enrique San Román (my husband), my parents, my friends, my sons and daughter-in-law.”

Among other awards, Litter won the “Premio Mercosur de Ciencia y Tecnología” in 2006 and 2011. In 2018 she was recognized by the UNESCO to be part of the World Academy of Sciences (TWAS). In 2020, she was incorporated to the Academia de Ciencias de América Latina and in 2021 she obtained the Dr. Eduardo Charreau Award for Technological Cooperation 2021 granted by the Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos, la Asociación Argentina para el Progreso de las Ciencias y la Asociación Interciencia.