Executive Board
CONICET is managed by a Board that comprises eight members and a President who is appointed by the National Executive Power.
The eight members of the Board are selected from shotlists presented by the National Executive Power:
- Four shortlists elected by active researchers of each of the great areas of knowledge: Social Sciences and Humanities; Biological and Health Sciences, Exact and Natural Science; and Agrarian, Engineering and Material Sciences.
- A shortlist proposed by the Universities Council, according to Law Nº 24.521.
- A shortlist proposed by the organizations that represent the industry.
- A shortlist proposed by the organizations that represent the agricultural sector.
- A shortlist proposed by the top organisms responsible for the science and technology of the governments of the provinces and the city of Buenos Aires.
The members of the Board hold their position and half of them are renewed every two years.
The Board selects two vice-presidents from its members, one from Scientific Affairs and another from Technological Affairs. The president and the vice-presidents occupy their position for two years and can be reelected by another consecutive period only once.
Dr. Daniel Salamone
President of CONICET
Daniel Salamone became President of CONICET on December 28, 2023. He is a Senior Researcher at CONICET and Director of the Laboratory of Animal Biotechnology of the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Buenos Aires.
He is a veterinarian graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires, Master in this discipline from the University of Saskatchewan, Canada, and PhD in Biotechnology and Biomedicine from the University of Massachusetts, USA. He specialized in assisted reproduction, cloning, transgenesis and gene editing in animals. He has published more than 80 publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals and has directed more than 20 doctoral theses. Professor of numerous courses and seminars on Biotechnology in different national and international universities.
Salamone is a member of the National Academy of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine and of the International Embryo Technology Society (IETS), of which he was president. He has led several scientific and technological development projects in the field of animal reproductive biotechnology. His laboratory has given rise to numerous ventures that have given rise to startups.
Dr. Claudia Capurro
Vice-president of Scientific Affairs
She was appointed by the Major Area of Biological and Health Sciences. She holds a degree and PhD in Biological Sciences, graduated from the School of Exact and Natural Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires. Besides, she is regular Professor at the School of Medicine of the University of Buenos Aires and Coordinator of the Commission of Medical Sciences II of the ‘Fund for Scientific and Technological Research’ (FONCYT) of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation. She was President of the ‘Argentine Society of Physiology’ (SAFIS).
Dr. Alberto L. Baruj
Vice-president of Technology Affairs
He was elected by the Research Area of Agrarian, Engineering and Material Sciences and has a Degree and a PhD in Physics given by the Instituto Balseiro (UNCUYO-CNEA). Besides, he is a professor in the area of Engineering at the Instituto Balseiro and a representative for CNEA on the INVAP SE Board of Directors.
Dr. Roberto Daniel Rivarola
Elected by the Great Area of Exact and Natural Sciences. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Physics given by the National University of Rosario, and is docteur de Troisième Cycle en Physique, and ‘Docteur d’État es Sciences de la Université de Bordeaux I’, France. Besides, he is the President of the Commision for Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics. He was president of the Argentine Physics Association and Director of Institute of Physics Rosario, CCT CONICET Rosario and the School of Exact and Natural Sciences of the UNR.
Dr. Mario Martín Pecheny
He was elected by the Great Area of Social Sciences and Humanities. He holds a degree in Political Sciences by the University of Buenos Aires and a PhD in Political Sciences of the University of Paris III, France. Besides, he is a full professor of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires.
María Laura Correa
She was elected on behalf of the Industry and has a degree in Biological Sciences from the University of Buenos Aires. Besides, she is a specialist in leadership of innovative biotechnological projects from the research and development stage to industrial production and clinical research. Furthermore, she is also an expert in the generation and management of public-private alliances for the development of technological projects.
Dr. Manuel García Solá
He was elected on behalf of the agricultural sector. He is a lawyer graduated from the University of Buenos Aires and Doctor Honoris Causa from the Universities of Caxias do Sul and Perugia. He is a specialist with a long career in the rural sector. He was Minister of Education, Science and Technology of the province of Chaco and of the national government and vice-rector of the Universidad Nacional del Chaco Austral.
Dr. Luz Marina Lardone
Elected to represent the scientific and technological agencies of the provincial governments and CABA. She holds a PhD in ‘Studies of Society and Culture’ -specialized in the production of scientific and technological knowledge and power relationships-, a master’s degree in ‘Scientiae en Comunicación’ both from the ‘University of Costa rica’ and a degree in Social Communication given by the ‘University of La Plata.’
Dr. Jorge Aliaga
He was elected as representative of the Council of Universities. He holds a degree in Physics and a PhD in Physics from the Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires. He is a Full Professor and Secretary of Planning and Institutional Evaluation at the Universidad Nacional de Hurlingham.