MARQUINA Monica Maria
congresos y reuniones científicas
Comparing academic trajectories as a way of analyzing the recent changes in the Argentine academic profession
Buenos Aires
Congreso; Congreso Mundial de Educación Comparada; 2013
Institución organizadora:
World Council of Comparative Education
The paper has the purpose of analyzing the recent changes that have occurred in the work of college teachers in Argentina and the implications on their values and beliefs in the context of international trends. Since the 1990s, a series of reforms have occurred in the University policies that impacted in the regulation of the system of higher education, institutions and, consequently, in the conditions of academic work. Based on a work that combines a quantitative approach (based on the CAP international survey in 2008 to 826 academics) with other qualitative (PICT 1890 based on 80 interviews in depth between 2011 and 2012), is discussed what consisted changes, based on the review of major policies implemented, and how impacted in academic work in terms of preferences, satisfaction, identity, morale and institutional participation. The main variable that shows the change is generational groups. Profiles and academic trajectories various according to the time of access to the profession (Garcia-Salord, 2001) that demonstrate ways to assume changes in very distinct ways can be identified from the information obtained.