congresos y reuniones científicas
Contemporary socio-political movements in social networks in Latin America. Hypermediatization and democracy
Otro; Media in Political Participation and Mobilization; 2017
Institución organizadora:
Scuola Normale Superiore y Center of Social Movements Studies (COSMOS)
In contemporary societies the circulation of political discourses was transformed by the emergence of a new media system (based on internet), the crisis in the hegemony of the mass media and the consolidation and accentuation of the personalization processes and personalism of the world of politics. With the digitalization of politics, new modes of citizen participation were generated, new types of relations between the governors and the governed, as well as social mobilizations in the public space of Internet.It has produced a process of digitalization of the political that involves processes of transformation of the political actors towards the strategies of articulation of different orders of production of meaning and convergence and the divergence between the mass and new media. It has produced social movements whose origin is in the social networks, that have different types of relation with the political institutions (Cheresky, 2015) and that often suppose processes of occupation of the urban space. In this work we focus on the discursive productions in the social networks of the Argentinean movements, in the reaction to the current president Mauricio Macri, during 2016 and we compare them with the citizen movements of protest by the disappearance of the Mexican students in Ayotzinapa (2014).As the objective of this research is linked to researching socio-political movements coupled with social networks, we will articulate the analysis of the mediatization of politics (Verón, 1983, 2013, Hjarvard, 2008, 2014, Stromback, 2008), and the traditional analysis of mass media semiotics (the analysis of the conditions of production and recognition, devices, media and languages), with the methodological tool of the analysis of contemporary hypermedia circulation (Verón, 1987, 1997, Carlón, 2015, 2016a, Carlón, Fraticelli, Slimovich and Jiménez, 2016), which accounts for a more complex circulation between the mass media and new media and which is useful to investigate the changes in the forms of citizen participation in the contemporary hypermediatized democracies.