TABOADA Maria Beatriz
capítulos de libros
The Linguistic Landscape Approach as a Strategy for Reflection and Intervention in Higher Education. Mediations, Practices and Voices to Overcome Borders
Cultural Views on Online Learning in Higher Education. A Seemingly Borderless Class
Lugar: New York; Año: 2021; p. 137 - 155
Speaking of linguistic landscapes supposes positioning oneself before a multidisciplinary object to address the existing relations between language and public space, recovering the way in which it materializes from posters, graffiti and other discursive manifestations. Addressing the linguistic landscape means transcending the limits of the classroom with proposals that force us to look at our environment again, rethink the relationships between subjects and objects of study, our research contexts and the methodological strategies we use. This work recovers experiences developed from a hybrid methodology in the context of a university subject, oriented to the critical analysis of linguistic landscapes of exterior and interior, with special attention to the location of violent discourses and resistance. We assume here that the tensions observed in public space can only be understood from a situated knowledge that encourages social transformation. In this context, we propose the revision of the didactic sequence that supported the proposal, technological tools and materials used, mediations carried out and experiences and learning promoted, focusing on the analysis of didactic documents, photographs obtained by the students, conclusions of their reports and narratives of the experience that allow us to recover evaluations of the proposal and of its own learning processes.