JACINTO Claudia Gabriela
congresos y reuniones científicas
Vocational training and social justice in Latin America: new perspectives
Congreso; XV Comparative Education World Congress; 2013
The paper examines the links between vocational training (VT), and social justice based on a comparative study centered on recent policies in Argentina and Brazil. The goals are to analyze the segmentation of  VT systems and the changes in perspectives that are re-shaping the approaches  which link VT and social justice. The theoretical framework accepts  that the linkages between VT and social justice should consider the VT?s place in the training and educational system and in the societies as a whole, its relevance to the world of work requirements and its social relevance for people. Quality VT has become  a social right where a wide array of relationships  from public and private actors occurs.  In previous research it was shown that the institutional diversification of vocational training in the nineties reinforced a parallel between high-quality training addressing integrated sectors and was oriented to competitiveness while low-quality training addressed the poor. International Cooperation had contributed to this segmentation, focusing on struggling against poverty programs.  However, from the 2000s, the policies show a change in paradigm concerning the VT system. The countries studied address policies in an integrated perspective attempting to combine VT with social justice. The relationships between public and private actors are widening opportunities and bridges between formal and non formal training.  The paper will discuss the tensions of these models and their challenges to overcome the segmentation in VT systems.