JACINTO Claudia Gabriela
congresos y reuniones científicas
Dilemmas in linking vocational training and social inclusion in Latin America
Congreso; XIV World Congress “Bordering, Re-Bordering and New Possibilities in Education and Society; 2010
Institución organizadora:
Sociedad Turca de Educación Comparada, Consejo Mundial de Sociedades de Educación Comparada y Universidad de Bogaziçi, Departamento de Ciencias de la Educación
The paper examines the links among vocational training (VT), social inclusion and international cooperation in   Latin America based on a comparative study. The goal of the research was to analyze the  regional segmentation of skills development systems. The theoretical framework assumes that the linkages between VT and social inclusion have to do with the place that VT has in the educational system,  its relevance in relation to social and labour market demands, and its social value and quality.  Furthermore, VT capacity to attend disadvantaged groups with quality and its contribution to trainees’ labour insertion are considered relevant. The findings show that institutional diversification of vocational training has actually reinforced a certain parallel between high-quality training addressed to integrated sectors and oriented to competitiveness, and low-quality training addressed to the poor. In a sense, International Cooperation (IC) has contributed to this segmentation, focusing in “struggling against poverty programs”.   Nevertheless, some recent trends in VTIs show that they are increasing the attention to disadvantaged populations with innovative and quality resources, widening opportunities and bridges with regular institutionalized training.  So contributing to institutional strengthening should be the way for IC to reinforce public policies in the field.