JACINTO Claudia Gabriela
congresos y reuniones científicas
Vocational training from the educational justice perspective
Simposio; International Academy of Education - General Assembly; 2022
The presentation had the objective analyze the contribution of VT to the educational justice, focusing in different dimensions based on Nancy´s Fraser social justice framework. She proposes that equalities are related to: distributive justice, (in terms of a more equitable distribution of resources), justice of recognition (the equal recognition of different identities/groups within a society). participation (arrangements that enable people to participate as peers in political matters). Other authors added another dimension linked to “affective injustice”, which point to inequalities regarding care, love and solidarity (Baker et al., 2009 and Lynch and Payet, 2011).Regarding the contribution of VT within the trajectory of young people, it was observed how it works as a post-high school pathway, adding value to other educational and work opportunities.The enlarged approach to VT that provide NGOs, related to different dimensions of social justice, would offer students a comprehensive range of interventions, providing them with a broad range of services and supports. But the emotional well-being is the key outcome. It should be noted that both findings are not generally included in the design and implementation of public policies on training for work.The finding show the need to strengthen curricular and institutional bridges between general and technical secondary education, the technical tertiary education and the recognition of skills developed at work.