SOUTHWELL Myriam Monica
congresos y reuniones científicas
Trajectories of rights in the curriculum. Displacements between focalization, inclusion and universalism
New York
Conferencia; Education in the Americas. Knowledges and perspectives; 2016
Institución organizadora:
Columbia University
The features that the recent expansion of secondary schoo in Argentina have been developed within the framework of social, cultural and economic processes that changed the lives of young people. In this presentation I would like, first, to reconstruct the changes in educational discourse expansion of public policies to transform the school and support the careers of young people. That is, the movement that sought to change the paradigm of selective institutional model to an inclusive model. I would like to review the signifier "inclusion" alongside rethink schoolwork so they can be formulated universalist proposals, without returning to a homogenizing universalism, not a shredder particularism.Second, and in this context, I would like to present a key reading on the aporia that occurs between, on the one hand, recognition of the complexity of contemporary youth condition, as a political subject and in relation to citizenship education strengthened recently in school, and on the other, the tendency towards moral and normalization perspectives at school and educational policies.