SOUTHWELL Myriam Monica
congresos y reuniones científicas
The academic field on history of education: a serch for Latin American perspective
New York
Congreso; LASA 2016; 2016
This paper will try to present the most significant contributions since the beginning of the century, have occurred in educational historiography in Latin America. We try to point out the historiographical itineraries in this century. To do this, we identify the main issues and renewals of objects, perspectives and approaches that shape the field of educational historiography in Latin America. Then we identify three common problems, to think the challenges of writing the history of education in our continent.Facing a balance, we would highlight the growth in the volume of production that can be "measured" in different ways: the emergence and consolidation of scientific societies that gather researchers study the educational past, the regularity of national and international academic meetings in offering undergraduate and postgraduate courses, editing publications. This can not ignore the way in which the demand for scientific production on institutions, projects and researchers increased, since the establishment of rankings and other instruments measuring academic productivity. While promoted forms of trade, the globalization processes, or opened new gaps between countries stressed the existentes- in society, why the academy should be the exception?