INCIHUSA   20883
Unidad Ejecutora - UE
congresos y reuniones científicas
Positive Development in Argentinian School Children.
Würzburg - Alemania
Congreso; 20th BIENNIAL ISSBD MEETING.; 2008
Institución organizadora:
International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development - University of Wúrzburg - Department of Psychology
SUMARY This descriptive – exploratory study focuses on the analysis of joyfulness in a specific context. Joyfulness can be defined as an intensive emotional state that means being satisfied with the life. It is characterized by the physiological excitement and its greatest expression is the smile (Lazarus, 2000). The aims of this work are: a) To describe social - demographics, family and nutritive (weight and height) variables. b) To find out about the Argentinian school children’s joyfulness in poverty- stricken context; c) To identify the reasons for joyfulness through children’s verbal report; d) To know what things they do in order to feel joyfulness. The research was carried out with 120 school children between 7 and 8 years old. The children and their parents answered a questionnaire about socio - demographics variables. This information was completed with school data bases. Measurement of weight and height were obtained. All this data allowed describe the sample. An analogical- visual scale was used in order to test the joyfulness level (Oros, 2004). In addition some children were asked some questions to find out reasons and behaviours related to joyfulness. The findings of this research will be useful to design programs based on children’s opinions and destined to foster and strengthen such emotions in school children in vulnerable social context. These results are discussed with regard to this specific context. It’s hoped that this research may contribute to an increasing scientific knowledge of issues related to positive development in childhood in different contexts and cultures. Key Words: Positive development; joyfulness; positive emotions, school age.