JUAREZ Maria Paula
capítulos de libros
Chapter 5: Identification of Emerging Issues for Sustainable Development.
Global Sustainable Development Report 2016
Lugar: New York; Año: 2016; p. 6 - 134
A Partir de la línea de trabajo en el PRODEC denominado "Encuentro de saberes para la reflexión-acción en torno a la problemática socio-ambiental. Hacia una propuesta para el trabajo con jóvenes del nivel medio y universitario" (UNRC Res. Nº 183/2014), y por la linea de Investigación desarrollada por la Mgter. MB Wehbe, se generaron insumos que permitieron colaborar en el informe de Naciones Unidas 2016, específicamente en el capítulo:5: Identification of Emerging Issues for Sustainable Development.The following is an executive summary of the Global Sustainable Development Report (GSDR) 2016. Building upon the 2014 and 2015 reports, the current report responds to the mandate from the Rio+20 Conference to contribute to strengthening the science-policy interface for sustainable development in the context of the high-level political forum on sustainable development (HLPF).The preparation of the report involved an inclusive, multi- stakeholder process drawing upon scientific and technical expertise from within and outside the United Nations. 245 scientists and experts based in 27 countries, including 13 developing countries, contributed to the report. 62 policy briefs were submitted in response to an open call. Twenty agencies, departments and programmes of the UN system contributed to the report with inputs, comments, suggestions or revisions.Introduction chapter 5:The Global Sustainable Development Report (GSDR) is a United Nations publication aiming to strengthen the science-policy interface at the High Level Political Forum (HLPF). Science-policy interfaces refer to the many ways in which scientists, policy-makers and other stakeholders link up to communicate, exchange ideas and jointly develop knowledge to enrich policy and decision making processes and research.1 The 2015 GSDR underlined the importance of utilizing these linkages to identify emerging issues across the whole spectrum of sustainable development, including its social and economic dimensions.2 While many approaches exist for identification of emerging issues, common features include the involvement of experts and formalized processes drawing on scientific evidence, assessments, and projections.