COLOMBO Laura Marina
congresos y reuniones científicas
Writing in a second language: What instructors should know to develop writing prompts (Escritura en segunda lengua: Lo que los instructores debieran saber para crear actividades)
Conferencia; 30th Annual Graduate Research Conference (30 Conferencia Anual de Estudiantes de Posgrado); 2008
Institución organizadora:
Graduate Student Association University of Maryland Baltimore County
 NOTA: Esta ponencia ganó el premio mención de ponencia oral. A su vez, en el archivo adjunto aparece mi seudónimo "Violeta" Colombo en vez de Laura Colombo. Puedo proporcionar información extra para corroborar que fui la presentadora.In this paper I present an articulation of theory and practice in second language acquisition, specifically in the practice of writing in a second language. This paper presents how to develop writing prompts informed by Wang and Wen's (2002) composing process model of writing to enhance the writing ability of second language learners. I first offer a brief historical overview of approaches in second language writing. Second, I explain the model proposed by the authors. Finally, I illustrate how this model has been applied in designing writing prompts for elementary and intermediate courses in Spanish as a foreign language at the university level. I conclude that the application of this model of writing presents several advantages such as a) enhancing the design and classroom application of writing activities by providing theoretical tools with which evaluate and produce writing prompts; b) increasing instructors' awareness about differences in L1 and L2 writing; and c) promoting an articulation of theory and practice where theory not only frames classroom practices, but also that classroom practices critically evaluate theory.