The CONICET and Aerolíneas Argentinas signed a cooperation agreement
The aim of this agreement is to provide the fleet with audiovisual material produced by CONICET Documentary.
The National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) – represented by its president, Dr. Roberto Salvarezza– and Aerolíneas Argentinas S.A. and Austral Aéreas Cielos del Sur S.A. –represented by Dr. Mariano Recalde–, signed an agreement to establish bonds of cooperation and mutual support in terms of audiovisual material.
The objective of the agreement, which took place in the Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation, is to provide the domestic and international fleet with audiovisual material of CONICET Documentary.
Besides, this compromise is also expected to create a channel devoted to the dissemination of audiovisual productions of the Council and the co-production of short films that show and link science with different areas, studies and roles of the employees working at Aerolíneas Argentinas and Austral.
Dr. Salvarezza said “we will have the possibility to show Argentine science to the citizens and tourists. Furthermore, it is a must for us to disseminate our science because it is financed by all citizens.”
The president of the Council highlighted that the documentaries produced by CONICET Documentary show the studies conducted bye our scientists from la Puna to the Antarctic. Besides they promote the research of the regions, reveal our archaeology, palaeontology and natural resources.”
For his part, Recalde said that “we promote science and technology by creating ministries, launching a satellite, researching, opening laboratories in all the country, building ‘polos tecnológicos’ as well as boosting research.” Besides, he pointed out the importance of having this type of documentaries among the material we exhibit in the fleet. It is necessary to show “the contributions of science and technology so as to encourage more Argentine people to be part of the studies that lead to the progress of the country.”
Through the touch screens of the planes, passengers will be able to watch compelling audiovisual science stories that narrate scientific facts in an interesting way. The locations of the documentaries range from laboratories to mountains at 5 thousands metres high, volcanoes, the bottom of the sea, glaciers, paleontological digs, the Antarctic Peninsula, and so on.
Furthermore, there will be co-produced short films which will connect aviation with science: how a plane flies, the physical phenomena produced in aviation, how a hangar’s engineering is. These are only some of the topics that will be available to watch in national and international flights.
It is worth mentioning that before the agreement, Dr. Salvarezza, Lino Barañao, Mariano Recalde and Labour Minister Carlos Tomada spoke with the scientific community about the situation of the scientific and technological system of the country.