Shanghi University’s fellows participate in one activity organized by CEIL-CONICET
The activity is part of the strong scientific bond between Argentina and China. The students are going to attend talks organized by researchers of the Institute and then they will go to Tierra del Fuego to continue with the training.
At the Centro Cultural de la Ciencia (C3) [Cultural Center of Science], the “International Summer School: Globalization and Society in Argentina” was inaugurated. This activity was organized by the el Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Laborales (CEIL-CONICET). For three consecutive days, young fellows of the Shanghai University are going to attend talks given by CEIL researchers. After that, the group is going to travel to Tierra del Fuego to continue with the training.
This event is part of the activities of the Centro de Investigación Mixto Internacional “Globalización y Sociedad” (CIMI-GyS) organized at the Institute with the Chinese university. The Center was created in 2017 as a result of an agreement between the CONICET and the Shanghai University.
It is the leading institution in “globalization and society”: work, international relationships, culture and religion, and other issues related to food and rural development.
During the opening, Fortunato Mallimaci, CONICET researcher at the CEIL and CIMI director, welcomed the students and thanked the institutions involved for their efforts to have a first scientific and academic cooperation experience in Argentina.
Besides, Dora Barrancos, CONICET director who represented Social Sciences and the Humanities was present and celebrated “the opportunity of the good links produced by globalization.” She also talked about the possibilities resulting from the adventure of knowledge, which generate the bond between China and Argentina. “We know the beginning of this adventure, but the drifts are unknown. That is one of the most exciting issues of the human condition.”
The vice director of the CEIL, Claudia Figari, said: “For us, it is very important the scientific training of the young researchers who do their postgraduate studies. It is fundamental to learn about the scientific programs of each country and share the ways of producing new knowledge.”
The dean of the Universidad Nacional de Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Antártico Sur (UNTDF), Ing. Juan José Castelucci, remarked the emphasized the strong relationship between this center for advanced studies and China: “We started with a student and professor exchange program. The objective is to work research projects, such as energy, in cooperation.” The UNTDF is going to receive the students in the next days.
For three days, the CEIL researches, their main topics and problems are going to be presented: “The centrality of the labor movement”, “Employment and State”, “Current cultural and religious identities”, “ New rural map”, “Science and Technology policies”. Interactive Visit to the C3” and “Seminar: China-Argentina bonds.”