Scholar Service Office

The Scholar Service Office was created through the Resolution D. N° 1136/14, like one office under the scope of the Legal Affairs Office. Its main function is to provide support and monitoring of requests to the Council made by fellows as part of the relationship Scholar-Director of scholarship/Director of CONICET Implementation Unit.

It is in charge of all the issues that are not present in the Scholarship Regulation of Scientific and Technological Research of CONICET approved by the Resolution D. Nº 3224/11 and its amendment. The head of the office is Dr. Alan Diego Temiño in cooperation with Dr. Cintia Gisela Sposetti and Dr. Soledad Torralba.

Specific functions:

  • To intervene before the definite resolution in the change requests of Director and workplace according to the choice of the scholars when those requests are not supported by the Director.
  • To evaluate the factual cancelation of the scholarship that does not deserve the disqualification to receive from now on scholarships or other benefits provided by CONICET (Art. 13 and 14 Scholarship Regulation).
  • To intervene in the review of those rejected authorizations for change of workplace and Director derived from the non-compliance of responsibilities intrinsic to scholarship directors (Art. 9 of Scholarship Regulations).

As regards the Office’s intervention:

The intervention of the Scholar Office Service is confidential. It provides fellows with the necessary tools to answer their queries. In those cases in which the Office intervention is not needed, the scholars will receive guidance on how to submit their request.

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