
Foto de Dr. Rolando González-José

Dr. Rolando González-José

He is a Biological anthropologist graduated from the ‘National University of Patagonia’ and Doctor in Human Biology from the University of Barcelona, Spain. Besides, he is a CONICET Principal Researcher and Director of the Scientific and Technological Center CONICET CENPAT. Between 2008 and 2014 he was the Deputy Director of the CENPAT and then between 2014 and 2016 he was the Director of the same Center. He was director of the ‘Institute of Social and Human Sciences’ between 2016 and 2020. He was awarded the Houssay Prize in Social Sciences and an Honorable Mention for Scientific Value from the National Senate in 2019. He is co-coordinator of the PoblAr Project for the creation of a Genomic Reference Center for the Argentinian Population. Since 2004 he has led the ‘Group of Research in Human Evolutionary Biology (IPCSH CONICET).

Foto de Dr. Luis Cappozzo

Dr. Luis Cappozzo

He holds a PhD in Biological Sciences from the School of Exact and Natural Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires and has a PhD in Biology from the University of Barcelona (Spain). Besides, he is a scientist, writer, science communicator. He is a CONICET Principal Researcher; Director of the ‘Laboratory of Ecology, Behavior and Marine Mammals of the Argentine Museum of Natural Sciences “Bernardino Rivadavia.”’ He is also an Associate Researcher of the Marine Zoology Unit of the Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology of the University of Valencia. Furthermore, he is an Evaluator in international institutions (PNUMA, IWC) and national institutions (ANPCyT, CONICET, UBA, National Universities, MinCyT, INCAA).


Foto de Dra. Graciela González

Dra. Graciela González

She is a Doctor and Bachelor of Chemical Sciences and a Specialist in Chemical Sciences and Environment from the University of Buenos Aires. Besides, she is an Assistant professor of the subjects Chemistry of Natural Aqueous Systems and Chemical Analysis in Criminalistics of the School of Exact and Natural Sciences (UBA). Since 2006, she has developed her research career within CONICET. Currently, she is working as an Independent Researcher at the ‘Institute of Chemistry, Physics of Materials, Environment and Energy (INQUIMAE, CONICET-UBA). She is now a collaborator at the multidisciplinary research team of Dr. Michel Rosso at the LPMC-Ecole Polytechnique-CNRS (France).

Foto de Marcelo Rubinstein

Marcelo Rubinstein

He is a Doctor in Chemical Sciences and CONICET Senior Researcher. Besides, he is the Acting Director of the Research Institute of Genetic Engineering and Molecular Biology “Dr. Héctor N. Torres” (INGEBI CONICET). He is an Associate Professor at the Department of Physiology, Molecular and Cellular Biology of the School of Exact and Natural Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires. He is an Elected Member of the Academy of Sciences of Latin America (ACAL) in 2017 and also Elected Member of the World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) in 2016. He has been an Honorary Associate Professor of the Molecular and Integrative Physiology Department at the University of Michigan, EEUU since 2013.

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