Co-financed fellowships

In order to provide the judiciary branches, public ministries and security forces with strategic training, The National Program for Science and Justice promotes the Program of Co-Financed Fellowships for doctorates and post-doctorates in national universities. The fellowships granted will be governed by the Regulations of Scientific and Technological Research Fellowships of CONICET.

The applications that meet the requirements established in the general bases of the co-financed fellowship contest will be evaluated by the advisory bodies of CONICET.  If any counterpart wishes to participate from the academic evaluation, an agreement will be managed to validate this action.

The fellowships are given by Resolution of the CONICET Board of Directors.

For this, the co-financing institution has to submit a request to be presented to the Central Office addressed to the President of the Council and to the National Program for Science and Justice. It must include:

  1. Amount of fellowships to be co-financed.
  2. The topics of the call (they can be open or specific by the area of knowledge).
  3. Indicate the expressed will of the institution to participate in the Program and to co-finance 50 of the fellowship (s).
  4. It must be signed by the competent authority.
  5. Indicate the type of fellowship that it is willing to co-finance (doctoral or postdoctoral).


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