COLIN Veronica Leticia
capítulos de libros
Vegetable oils in the biodiesel industry
Oil: Production, Consumption and Environmental Impact
Nova Science Publisher
Año: 2012; p. 45 - 80
Petroleum accounts for a large percentage of the world´s energy consumption, ranging from a low of 32% for Europe and Asia to a high of 53% for the Middle East. The largest volume products in the industry are fuel oil and petrol, both important primary energy sources. Over 50 species of plant produce oils that can be extracted from their seeds, nuts or kernels. All, technically, can be used as fuel or transformed into biodiesel. As part of the search for renewable energy sources, biodiesel compounds, which are commonly obtained from vegetable oils by transesterization with methanol or ethanol, represent an increase in energy input of about 30% and a reduction in CO2 emissions of up to 60%, compared to conventional diesel. The main feedstocks include rapeseeds, sunflower seeds, soybeans and palm oil seeds, from which the oil is extracted chemically or mechanically. Although the global market for biodiesel has seen explosive growth in last year, there are lingering questions about feedstock availability, since the biodiesel industry now consumes a large percentage of vegetable oils produced. Besides, vegetable oils production is not sufficient to replace the demand for fossil fuels. Also, the environmental and socio-economic impacts of large-scale biodiesel production and commercialization include increased deforestation of native forests and threats to biodiversity, indiscriminate expansion of the agricultural frontier and displacement of other crops used for food or livestock feed. This chapter focuses on key questions related to the environmental and socio-economic impacts of the biodiesel industry´s consumption of vegetable oils as well as to emerging technologies and the transition to alternative feedstocks in pursuit of sustainable biodiesel production.