KRIGER miriam Elizabeth
congresos y reuniones científicas
“History teaching and the common origin: Students historical representation of their “nation’s awakening”
Dublin, Ireland
Congreso; 32nd Annual Scientific Meeting of International Society of Political Psychology.; 2009
Institución organizadora:
Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
The topic addressed by this article has become increasingly important during recent years, in the field of academic research as well as in debates on educational policy. We refer to the conflictive articulation between history teaching, national identity and students’ citizenship formation. The problem we pose aims to clarify, in general terms, which are American students’ representations of their nations’ ethno-cultural matrix. In a global context characterized by the emergence of new values and multiple identities, including those subsumed by national states since the 19th century, which now recuperate political visibility and reclaim themselves as bearers of “other” histories, we ask ourselves: Who is this subject that configures itself as a primordial people (volk) in students’ representations (generated to a great extent by official school versions), considering both freedom from Europeans and destruction of native indigenous peoples often appear as necessary conditions for the historic foundation of American states? And finally: Is there a deeper identitary substrate than the subject proposed by national myths, linked to the idea of encounter, like the melting pot (USA) or the crucible of races (Argentina)?