MELELLA Cecilia Eleonora
congresos y reuniones científicas
South American migrations and use of ICT: Diversity, polymedia and conformation of technologized biographical spaces
Workshop; International GovDiv Summer School. Escuela Internacional de verano 3-5 julio de 2017 Universidad de Florencia LAS MINORÍAS EN AMÉRICA LATINA Y EN EUROPA: POLÍTICAS Y PRÁCTICAS DE NEGACIÓN Y RECONOCIMIENTO; 2017
Institución organizadora:
Università degli Studi di Firenze
This paper continues my doctoral research that focused on the centrality of the migrant journals and the evolution to virtual formats such as websites and Facebook as identities construction spaces of the Andean migrants in Argentina. That research analyzed the Andean migration group´s self-perception at a community level. In this second stage of research, new questions are raised about the appropriation and use of ICT at an individual level, where the conformation of the biographical spaces of the connected migrants demonstrates the public and private confluence. This stage exceeds the mass media logics and refers us to the interpersonal communication. Thus, we thing it is important to recover the concept of polymedia as a technological context of proliferation of communication opportunities, which allows us to recompose a co-presence across distance in transnational relations. It´s based on the participation of the networks in origin and destination, in family life, and in cultural and media consumption proposing a review on the perception and construction of diversity.