CEVA mariela Gisela
capítulos de libros
Les migrants et la construction de l´espace de travail en Argentine. Deux études de cas: la fabrique argentine d´espadrilles et la cotonniére Flandria, 1884-1960
Entreprises en mouvement. Migrants, pratiques entrepreneuriales et diversités culturelles dans le monde, XVe-XXe siécle
Presses Univeristaires de Valenciennes
Lugar: Valenciennes; Año: 2009; p. 233 - 261
This presentation aims to find out the roles of familial networks in recent industrialization context and within the contemporary immigration framework in Argentina. Thus, we have decided to look into the files of these already mentioned companies: Fábrica Alpargatas Argentina and the textile Algodonera Flandria. The study´s starting point is the labour area itself which is supported by other sources and also enriched by a varied and rich contribution of some other important documents. The research reconstructs how immigrants come to be part of the labour market in Argentina between XIX Century and half of XX Century. What happens with socio occupational mobility of the immigrants manual labour? And, How their sociability is composed of? The result shows from the beginning the presence of social relations in the processes of immigration and the introduction into the labour market. The resulting image inevitably led to deepen in the origin of these relationships and its extension in the extra labour field.