MARENGO Maria cecilia
capítulos de libros
Planning through projects. Moving from Master Planning to Strategic Planning
Lugar: Amstendam; Año: 2009; p. 153 - 170
The starting point of Planning through projects is the Diversity of historical, political, socio-economic and environmental factors that affect the urban realities of each city. The book shows how the shift for master planning to strategic planning through large urban projects is a world wide process affecting all countries, and it highlights the impact that such large projects have on urban governance. (The authors of the book) Córdoba. Strategic Issues and Urban Strategies: Rapid spatial changes associated with cyclical economic changes. Crises and booms. Rapid metropolization process reducing overall densities. Increasing social segregation and imbalances between city and periphery as result of decentralization and privatization policies. Inadequate social housing construction rate to meet household growth rate. The 90s reveals higher levels of social polarization and unemployment, increase in the population living under poverty lines and decline of middle-income sectors into category new poor. Economic recovery following crisis demands redefinition of middle-class. Urban strategies -Favourable measures to attract private investments in order to counteract polarizing forces via a via Buenos Aires including privatization and the concession of services and the expansion of the telecommunication sector. As a result, by the end of the 90s decade, the city tends to a policenric urban structure. The improvement of the metropolitan road infrastructure and the construction of service-centers in the periphery contributed to poly-centrality, buy eventually resulted in greater dispersion and intensification of segregation. The development of large urban real state projects focusing on commercial retail cultural and residential activities gave a new character to the urban periphery. The modernization of the CBD revealed a new complex relationship between the central-areas and multi-centered periphery tied together by personal mobility. The 1994 Strategic Plan (PEC) incorporate participatory planning to control the excessive concentration of activities in the central area an rise urban costs as a result of suburban development. On the regional metropolitan scale, nine access corridors and a by pass avenue were built. On the urban scale municipal funds were dedicated to a radio-centric system. Community centers offering administrative and cultural services were constructed in the principal corridors of the city. With 2001 economic crisis in Argentina, new urban priorities appeared including the reemergence of social question as urban priority. The 2003 Strategic Plan of Córdoba (PEC) increases citizens participation. Large urban projects are left to private investors attempting to maximize profits, reflecting the contradictory character of urban policies in general and the PEC in particular.