congresos y reuniones científicas
How necessary is to include the principles of sound ecotoxicology in our studies?
Congreso; SETAC Latin America 12th Biennial Meeting; 2017
Institución organizadora:
Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Latin-American Branch
?principles of sound ecotoxicology?. However, still today many published studies lack many of those principles. From the twelve principles, in this presentation three of them are contrasted against experiences gathered in our own lab: i) Define de exposure: measurements of the actual concentrations in bioassays conducted with the organochlorine endosulfan showed not only that concentrations can drastically dropped during the experiment, but also that the isomer composition can changed. Similarly, measurement of EE2 before and after media renewal demonstrated this compound virtually disappear from test chambers in 48 h, ii) Consider dose response: several times studies testing only one concentration are presented, buy studies evaluating several biomarkers have shown in our lab that usually random significant responses are observed under interspecific exposures, but clear dose-response are obtained when model toxicants are used, iii) Repeat the experiment: we have obtained very different results among experiments for both, lethal and sublethal responses against the same toxicant under equivalent conditions, especially when the substances are slightly toxic. In addition, a thirteen principle could be added to Harris, principles, ?Use positive controls?: Several times we obtain responses that you only realize they are irrelevant when you compare them against a positive control. In conclusion, several examples are given supporting the need of applying principles of sound ecotoxicology in our studies.