MURARO Nara Ines
capítulos de libros
Patch-Clamping Fly Brain Neurons
Drosophila Neurobiology: A Laboratory Manual (2nd edition)
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
Año: 2023;
ACLARACION: El ISBN es el de la 1ra edicion, porque los editores no me lo confirmaron aun el de la 2da edicion que es en el que yo contribuí.The membrane potential of excitable cells, such as neurons and muscle, experiences a rich repertoire of dynamic changes mediated by an array of ligand- and voltage-gated ion channels. Central neurons in particularly are fantastic computators of information; sensing and integrating multiple sub-threshold currents mediated by synaptic inputs, and translating them into the firing of action potential patterns. Electrophysiology comprises a group of techniques that allow the direct measurement of electrical signals. There are many different electrophysiological approaches but, because Drosophila neurons are small, the whole-cell patch-clamp technique is the only applicable method for recording electrical signals from individual central neurons. In this chapter we include protocols for dissecting the larval and adult brains to produce preparations where the third protocol, which provides step by step information on how to achieve whole-cell patch-clamp recordings on identified neuronal types, can be applied. Patch-clamping is a labor intensive technique that requires a great deal of practice to become an expert on it, therefore a steep learning curve should be anticipated. However, the instant gratification of neuronal spiking is an experience we wish to share and disseminate, as many more Drosophila patch-clampers would be essential to learn the electrical features of so many fly neuronal types unknown to date.