PEDREIRA Maria Eugenia
congresos y reuniones científicas
Errors in prediction as a drive behind memory flexibility
Congreso; SBNEC XV; 2017
Institución organizadora:
Soc Brasilera de neurociencias y comportamiento
The ability to make predictions based on stored information is a general coding strategy. Would this capacity imply an important flexibility to rewrite memories as a consequence of a permanent changing world? In the last years, it has been shown that acquired memories can become active and update its content or strength by the labilization-reconsolidation process. A Prediction-Error (PE) is a mismatch between expected and current events. It has been proposed as the process by which memories are acquired, but it also seems to drive the updating of consolidated memories. Several forms of PE were found to be capable of inducing memory labilization-reconsolidation. Here, I am going to show you our results, supporting the role of PE in the associative memory reconsolidation in the crab Neohelice granulata and in a declarative memory in Humans. Finally, I would like to discuss not only the future avenues whereas the reconsolidation process could open a novel therapeutic window to modify dysfunctional memories and/or to improve memories of everyday life, but also as a mechanism for maintenance of some psychopathologies such as anxiety disorders.