ZUCOL Alejandro Fabian
capítulos de libros
Análisis comparativo metodológico y estudio de la abundancia fitolítica en tártaro de dientes humanos de sitios arqueológicos de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Matices Interdisciplinarios en Estudios Fitolíticos y de otros Microfósiles/ Interdisciplinary Nuances in Phytolith and other Microfossil Studies.
BAR Internacional Series (Oxford, Inglaterra).
Año: 2008; p. 39 - 45
Dental tartar specimens from archaeological sites in the northeast of Buenos Aires province (La Bellarca site 2, Arroyo Malo, Garín, Arroyo Fredes and Guazunambí) were compared and analyzed. The samples were obtained from 7 isolated dental pieces and 2 bony remains (jaws) with 7 pieces each. These analyses were carried out in three stages. The first stage aimed at setting out the potential abundance of the different sites. For this purpose, the isolated pieces were utilized. In the second stage, on the basis that one of the isolated pieces showed relative high abundance, different methodological processes were rehearsed so as to establish the possible types of remains that could concentrate and the most appropriate methodology. The third stage consisted in a qualitative and quantitative comparative analysis of the dental pieces of same bony remains (jaw) so as to establish the deposition variability of the remains according to the individual’s masticatory mechanics. The results of the abundance analysis were different in each piece, from lack of remains to the presence of phytoliths, organic and siliceous remains. In the methodological tests, the acid treatment jointly with the hydrogen peroxide ones allowed to obtain siliceous microremains. The acid treatment, allowed to obtain the organic remains, while in the hydrogen peroxide treatment it was extremely difficult to precise the time required for digestion to liberate the organic matter without altering it. Besides, the full dispersion of the matrix was not achieved. The analyses of the related dental pieces showed differences concerning tartar accumulation in each piece, as well as a certain degree of abundance variability in microremains of each group of pieces. Nevertheless, particular characteristics were found which could differentiate them.