congresos y reuniones científicas
Circulation of contemporary movements in reaction to the political institution in Latin America. Hypermediatization and democracy
Nishny Novgorod
Otro; Political Discourse and Mediatization of Politics in the Globalized World; 2019
Institución organizadora:
National Research University ?Higher School of Economics? and DiscourseNet
The process of mediatization suffered many changes with the establishment of mass media; particularly, it accelerated during the last quarter of the 20th century (Verón, 2001), continuing with the perspective of Eliseo Veron who wrote about the process of mediatization in 1984 y 1986. In a similar scene, from the point of view of one of the icons of the european mediatization theory, Hjarvard (2008), there was also a mutation during the last 25 years of the past century. In contemporary societies, we continue with the idea of mediatization of politics and state that the circulation of political discourses was transformed by the crisis in the hegemony of mass media, the appearance of a new media system (based on Internet), inter-systemic relations between the system of mass media and the system of new media (Carlón, 2015). With the digitalization of politics (Slimovich, 2012), new ways of citizen participation were generated.What place does the establishment of new media occupy in the historical process of political mediatization? How are contemporary citizen movements in reaction to the political institution ? What specific characteristics adopt these political movements in Latin America? We will try to answer these questions throughout this paper.