INALI   02622
Unidad Ejecutora - UE
congresos y reuniones científicas
Growth of freshwater decapods affected by the use of biocids in farming
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute Panama
Congreso; ICIRD 2007 11th International Congress of Invertebrate Reproduction and Development, Panamá 2007; 2007
Institución organizadora:
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute - International Society of Invertebrate Reproduction and Development
Farming activities use several types of biocid for killing “plagues” and thus achieving an efective grain production. These pesticide applications have an input risk into the lotic and lentic environments which affect the not targeted biota. Then, the effects whould happen on the growth  impacting the development and reproduction of crustacean life.  Intermolt period and size increase in the successive molt cycles are employed to quantify this effect. These variables can display different responses under various biocid on the freshwater environments. Palaemonetes argentinus prawn and Trichodactylus borellianus crab are the most common and widely distributed decapods located in Paraguay, Uruguay, southern Brazil, and the northern and central part of Argentina (Pampean region) which is characterized by intensive agriculture and urbanization. It was analized the individual growth of prawn and crab in relation to sublethal concentrations of commercial formulation to glyphosate, 2,4D, chlorpyrifos, endosulfan, cypermethrin and carbendazim. Concentrations of insecticides affected the intermolt period than the size increment in both species. Crab growth was interrupted by a glyphosate exposure. Intermolt period of prawn was affected by fungicide and the mortality increased with the highest concentrations. This work shows that the decapod species are sensitive to applications of the studied pesticides, and thus crustaceans may be used as bioindicators providing information about the quality of the environment.