PERA licia maria
capítulos de libros
Tailoring of industrial products by submerged fermentation
Industrial Fermentation: Food Processes, Nutrient Sources and Production Strategies
Nova Publishers
Año: 2010; p. 249 - 274
Book Description: During fermentation processes, the determination of microbiological population density and diversity, nutrients concentration and products formation are the most important variables. Nowadays many different approaches are being developed for the monitoring of fermentation processes. The authors review different strategies to monitor alcoholic fermentation processes, ranging from offline to online approaches. In addition, research on fermentation is important in the specific branch of biomedical science, food science. In this book, the authors summarize such research from Thailand, a well-known agricultural country from Asia. The authors also summarize recent reports focusing on the metagenomics analysis and application of the fermentation industry. Furthermore, increasing demand for high-value oils has focused commercial attention on the provision of suitable biosynthetic framework for their production. This book examines the biotechnological production and application of high-value microbial oils. Also highlighted in this book are the recent findings and new strategies in tailoring some relevant industrial products by submerged fermentation. Additional chapters review the application of agro-industrial residues and by-products in biotechnological processes, nutritional needs and sources of n-3 fat and production strategies for microbial DHA and EPA production, and the development and interaction of microbes important for dairy product manufacturing and fermented beverages. Chapter: Microbial cultivation processes for production of goods is an ancient and well-known technology. However, over the last 10 years, its use has increased rapidly because of the combination of a more deep knowledge of cellular metabolic pathways, changes in operational costs, product quality requirements and additionally as “green” or environmentally friendly technology among others. Researchers are now taking advantage of different cultivation strategies, from batch controlled procedures on one side to continuous culture systems. Particularly, continuous culture procedures combined with metabolic flux analysis and molecular biology techniques, are used for pathway manipulation during growth in steady state conditions, which should yield new insights into the physiology of industrial organisms, as well as leading to increased productivity potential. The determination of metabolic fluxes in-vivo and subsequent metabolic flux analyses are best conducted under steady-state conditions. Removal of transient growth effects present in batch cultures allows more realistic estimation of metabolic pathway deletions or enhancement effects in continuous cultures. Also, the use of metabolite measurements coupled with the stoichiometry of reactions has been applied mainly in metabolic network validations. On the other hand, new concepts had been developed in the medium engineering area. This approach suggests the feasibility of producing new industrially relevant molecules having different applications simply by controlling fermentation parameters. This chapter highlights recent findings and new strategies in tailoring of some relevant industrial products by submerged fermentation. As examples we want to show significant applications such as lipase, and nitrogen-fixing microorganism production.