DESOJO Julia Brenda
congresos y reuniones científicas
histology of basal archosauriformes from the Middle-Upper Triassic of Argentina and Brazil
Congreso; Reunion de la Asociacion Paleontologica Argentina; 2013
Postcranial osteoderms are commonly developed in the major lineajes of Archosauriformes,
including forms as proterochampsids and doswelliids. Here we survey the histology of osteoderms
of the doswelliids Archeopelta arborensis and Tarjadia ruthae, and the proterochampsid Chanaresuchus
bonapartei. We studied osteoderms of C. bonapartei (PVL 6244) and T. ruthae (PULR 063), both
from Los Chañares Formation (Ladinian-Carnian), Argentina, and A. arborensis (CPEZ 239a) from
Santa Maria 1 Sequence (late Ladinian-early Carnian), Brazil. The osteoderms of C. bonapartei are
compact structures composed by parallel-fibred bone. Radial and circumferential primary vascular
spaces predominate. Few secondary osteons and resorption spaces are developed in the inner core.
Doswelliids osteoderms possess a trilaminar organization, in which two distinct cortices (external
and basal) can be differentiated from an internal core. The external cortex exhibits a distinct pattern
of valleys and saddles and consists mainly of lamellar bone tissue formed during different cycles of
erosion and deposition. The internal core shows cancellous bone with short thick trabeculae and small
inter-trabecular spaces. These spaces are commonly coated by lamellar bone. Remaining patches of
primary bone at the inner core are composed by parallel-fibred and woven bone tissue. The basal
cortex is composed of poorly vascularised parallel fibred bone. The rather simple microstructure
observed in C. bonapartei suggests that these elements grew at a constant, low rate. Conversely, the
complex histology of the doswelliids osteoderms appears to be linked to variations in the growth
rate during the osteoderm formation and also to the development of the external ornamentation