FILIPPIN Maria celina
Energy usen of buildings in central Argentina
Journal of Building Physics
SAGE Publications
Lugar: Londres; Año: 2005 vol. 29 p. 69 - 89
The present work analyzes the consumption of energy of three typologically and technologically different buildings, and its interaction with dimensional, morphological and thermal indicators. The comparison of the heating energy consumed by the conventional and the solar building (individual and apartments)  allows the evaluation of  the energy saved through the use of passive solar techniques and  thermal envelopes. The study buildings are located in Santa Rosa (capital of the province of La Pampa) in Argentina.  The latitudinal variation of Degree-days oscillates between 1300 and 1600ºC  to the north and the south respectively. The results show the high correlation between the energy consumption and the energy lost through the building’s envelope.  In buildings with conventional technology,  the envelope (without insulation) reaches  a value ‘G’ of 4.13 W/m3 ºC, higher than  the admissible maximum value stipulated by the N. IRAM 11604  for the study region. The technologically optimised  through the use of an energy efficient envelope, a carpentry with double glazing and a collecting area of 12% with respect to the building’ useful area  allowed an energy save of around  75% during the winter. The results confirm the large potential of the solar building design to reach significant levels of energy saving, and the comparison of solar and conventional buildings in terms of natural gas consumption confirms the magnitude of such potential.