congresos y reuniones científicas
Social organizations and Kirchnerism: strategies, debates and challenges (Argentina 2003-2015)
Workshop; Workshop Social movements and the state in the context of the ?left turn? in Latin America; 2015
Institución organizadora:
Department of Politics, Languages and International Studies, University of Bath
In the first years of the twenty-first century, the governments that took office in the South American countries of Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina, Uruguay, Bolivia and Ecuador developed programs that opposed neoliberal policies. Especially Néstor Kirchner, who took office in Argentina in 2003, inaugurating a cycle of political stability after the crisis of 2001. Thereon, it is suitable to differentiate the governmental administration from 2003 to 2015 from the kirchnerist political movement, which united social organizations, unions and a peripheral political elite. In this new context, what aspects of the dynamics of the social mobilization were transformed? What strategies did the organizations adopt in this new context? Did they assimilate, join or try to create new action guidelines and the institutionalization of their actions and proposals? What debates did they stimulate and what challenges do they face before the announced end of cycle, when Cristina Fernández de Kirchner concludes his second term on December 10? Some investigations explained these changes in terms of the cooption of the organizations on the part of the government. On the other hand, others demonstrated that the organizations were taken those decisions for their grammars of political action this is, of its forms of construction and traditions and of its conceptions of the State and social change. The aim of this paper is to reconstruct this process between 2003 and 2015 considering the dynamics of social organizations in relation to kirchnerism as a political movement.