SALOMON Oscar Daniel
capítulos de libros
Research on vectors of Leishmaniasis: Trends and Questions
Update of American Trypanosomiasis and Leishmaniasis Control and Research: Final Report, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 6-7 November 2007 PAHO/HDM/CD/512-2008
Lugar: Washington; Año: 2008; p. 126 - 143
The research on vectors of leishmaniasis has to deal with two levels of complexity, the leishmaniases as a human construct/biological entity, and the vector diversity itself. The former involves a broad spectra of clinical diseases, immune host responses, parasite species-subspecies-variants, primary-secondary-permissive vectors, host/reservoirs, eco-epidemiological scenarios, transmission cycles, and human risky cultural-rooted behaviors. The latter includes vector cryptic species/clades, each one with different ecological niches and adaptability to environment and climate changes, and vector a-vector b-non vector sand flies-host-parasite interactions. Therefore, the research requires to be addressed by multi/inter/transdisciplinary eco-systemic approaches, while the vector topics need time-space accurate scale definitions, to frame any conclusion beyond focus results. Further, any proposal on research priorities should also try to avoid: a) "to follow what is fashionable and technologically advanced (...diverting) funds away from the goals of disease control" (Ashford in WHO 2004), b) the biases due to the consultant own field of expertise, and c) what Stendhal defined in The Charterhouse of Parma as science as the meeting of keen fools and shrewd hypocrites (une réunion de nigauds enthousiastes et d ´hypocrites adroits). une réunion de nigauds enthousiastes et d ´hypocrites adroits).