BICH Gustavo Angel
congresos y reuniones científicas
Paraguayan Metagenomic analysis of family microflora diversity of native soil
Congreso; 2nd Latin American Congress of Women in Bioinformatics and Data Science:; 2021
Institución organizadora:
Latin American Congress of Women in Bioinformatics and Data Science:
Microorganisms have been found to play an active role in both animal and plantphysiology. Diverse microorganisms live in association with plants, both below andabove the ground. The interaction between the microbial populations can havebeneficial and detrimental effects on the plant development and growth. The role ofParaguayan microbial communities in native or soils not used in agriculture remainspoorly understood and is a field of active concerned. With next-generation sequencing(NGS) it has been possible to explore the microbial diversity by using specific genomicregions. Metagenomics approach can be used to study the microbial diversity in ariouscontexts in both plants and animals. We used high throughput sequencing to explorethe microbial diversity in native un-planted soil samples from the South of Paraguay.DNA was extracted from 2.0 g of the soil using the PowerMax Soil DNA Isolation kit(MoBio, Carlsbad, CA, USA) following manufacturer’s instructions. The metagenomasequencing was performed at Macrogen Korea. Thereafter, the raw sequences of themetagenomas were analyzed using the MG-RAST server. Phylum level distributionacross samples were classified in 14 Phyla. The metagenomic analysis of sequencesshowed Proteobacteria to be the most enriched (46.20%) followed by Actinobacteria(20.77%) and Acidobacteria (8.88) phyla. Forty percent of the total sequences wereassigned to the top 11 families of microorganisms. Bradyrhizobiaceae was the mostenriched family among the classified families, representing 8.56% of the total assignedsequences, followed by Solibacteraceae (6.99%) and Planctomycetaceae (6.3%).Notably, many members of Bradyrhizobiaceae family contribute to plants in chlorophyllbiosynthesis, synthesis of folate and pterines and coenzyme B12 biosynthesis.