ALFARO GOMEZ emma laura
Surnames, ABO system and miscegenation in highlands population of province ofJujuy (Northwest Argentine)
Año: 1999 vol. 50 p. 14 - 20
Surnames are a powerful and very useful tool for the study of genetic structure, identification, and estimation of the ethnic origins and racial admixture of human populations. The purpose of chis paper was to assess the relationship betWeen the ABO system alleles and the classification of individuals according to their suma mes in order to infer the miscegenation in high altitude populations of Jujuy, a province of the north west in Argentina. Information on the ABO system phenorypes was obtained from 5,132 individuals registered with the Blood Donor Records of hospital s in the province of Jujuy, representative of three ecosystems located at different heights over sea level: 1. Inhabitants of the Valley (at 500-1,200 m. above sea level); 2. Quebrada people (1,200 to 2,900 m. above sea level); and 3. Puna or higher Andes afea people (2,900 to 4,500 m. above sea level). The data on each of these populations was subdivided into tWo groups according to a classification of sumames into autochthonous or native names, and foreign ones, to determine: 1. Frequencies of the ABO system alleles; 2. Percentase of miscegenation. Alleles were distributed according to altitudinal gradients. Frequency of the O allele increased with altitude level, while A and B alleles showed the opposite trend. The highest miscegenation percentage was recorded at the lowest altitudinallevel and it decreased with altitude, both in autochthonous and foreign name bearing individuals. Our results were in concurrence with historical and demographic data of Jujeño population senlements and showed that when sumames were used as extra-genetic markers they provided additional information on biological characteristics and microevolution of these populations.