ACUÑA Maia Milena
What do schools have to say to educational policies about the common? An approach from the everyday school life in context urban poverty in Argentina
Journal Of Education Policy
Taylor & Francis
Año: 2023
The question about the common (Ostrom, 1990; Hess and Ostrom, 2007, Boyle, 2008, Mattei, 2013, Bollier, 2014, Laval and Dardot, 2015), as well as the ways in which educational policies contribute to its production, is tightened by the modulations of a social life that is increasingly presented in the logic of management society that calls the self to become an entrepreneur (Sancho-Gil, 2016; Ball, 2012; Ball, Maguire & Braun, 2012; Grinberg, 2008). A self whose spectacularization caters for the networks and swells feeds that other selves look at as an infinite series. The era of the tyrant individual, as Sadin (2022) warns, runs the risk of putting an end to a common world, where platform education seems to deepen these dynamics instead of putting a stop to them (Grimaldi & Ball, 2021; Nieborg & Poell, 2018; Perrott, 2020).The educational agenda -and the associated policies- has seen this fragmentation crystallize where the logic of a superdiverse society comes up against a educational system that is enclosed and built from segregated segments that tend to encapsulate the school population (Ball & Olmedo, 2011; Ball, 2015, 2016; Grinberg, 2011, 2018). In this context, the policies, in line with the proposals of UNESCO, are faced with building a school that deals with reversing such dynamics.In this article, through the field work that we develop in secondary schools located in contexts of urban poverty, we propose to question the becoming of schooling by analyzing the searches, expectations and, often, nano-struggles that teachers and students display in their everyday life, trying to turn school into a place of meeting and reception (Arendt, 2016), an affective place (Berlant, 2020). A place where subjects meet and act seeking collective identities. As a student told us “coming to school is like being in a place where they look at you and hug you if you´re not well. It is like truly being there…”. Through the angle of this daily doing, we ask ourselves about educational policies beyond neoliberal policies that, in the framework of new public management, have left schools to solve problems on their own (Grinberg, 2011), and in doing so have deepen the exclusionary inclusion that reinforce inequality and segregation (Ball & Olmedo, 2013).Positioning the question of the common inside schools allows us to find a daily life that functions as a laboratory which, among precariousness, experiences forms of life in common that move beyond rigid institutions (Ball and Collet, 2022).An infrastructure for the common (Berlant, 2016) that involves assemblies and agencies that are defined by use and movement. Thus, we ask ourselves which policies can be thought and built not as claim to school but in the name of school. What does a school need to be a school in the 21st century? What policies do schools need in order to contribute to building a common world?