MOHLE Elisabeth
congresos y reuniones científicas
?Unidos triunfaremos?. Análisis de los factores que inciden en la sanción de políticas ambientales nacionales: Ley de Bosques y de Glaciares en Argentina
Jornada; Jornada doctoral franco-américa austral; 2020
Institución organizadora:
Institute des Ameriques
The processes of enactment of environmental laws tend to generate controversial debates between a variety of actors (public officials, civil society and the private sector), who are linked and confronted to impose their interests and visions (protectionist or productivist) about the regulations in question. Taking Argentina as a case study, we analyze the process of enactment of two environmental laws (National Law of Native Forests and National Law of Glaciers). Specifically, we aim to answer: What were the factors that allowed the enactment of these environmental laws? Applying a micro-political perspective, we argue that i) environmental regulation policies are usually the result of the formation, interaction and confrontation of two state-society political coalitions (one protectionist and another productivist) and that ii) the vision and corresponding instruments that the regulations contain will depend on how the coalitions resolve the tension between environmental protection and productive development.