ALADRO Almendra Maribel
capítulos de libros
Feminization of migrations, feminization of citizenship: <> in our contemporary democracies.
Women's Rights: International Studies on gender roles and its influence on contemporary democracies
Lugar: Erechim; Año: 2020; p. 113 - 132
The aim of this contribution is to provide a framework to understand the political position (by understanding ?political position? in terms of belonging and subjectivity) of migrant women, migrantas, in our contemporary Latin-American democracies. Thus, this chapter explores the encounter of two subject positions: being a woman, being a migrant.While some developments from the feminist theory (such s D. Smith?s  framework) have identify women as the oppressed subject by definition, some others from a migration perspective, we shall argue, allow us to recognize an absolute excluded position in migrants. To think about the outcomes of such an encounter, we are also going to take into account the feminization of the political agenda (from e.g. social mobilization such as ?Ni Una Menos?, No one less) and on the other hand, the feminization of migration and their consequences in terms of reproductive work and invisibility. Why? We will argue that boththe feminization of the political agenda (at least from where we both authors write, Argentina) and the feminization of migration are, even in a different extent, well established facts but at the same time are tendencies that have not dialogue between them.By analyzing such trends, we will try to answer the following question: what it will result for migrant women?s position? What outcome will prevail, if any, at reading the intersection of gender and mobility? Literature indicates that the fact of being a migrant women (and probably with class and racial components as well) carries out a deeperdiscrimination and actually increases vulnerability. On the other hand, women in the public sphere have been gaining traction in the last years: many demands, posed as human rights claims, have achieved an outstanding place in the political agenda and the results in termsof women?s empowerment are undeniable. Would the position of migrant women be improved through this role of women in our contemporary democracies or on the contrary, the position as excluded subjects will prevail? If the women?s standpoint of Dorothy Smith is a port of entry to better understand the situation of other oppressed subjects, will it also provide an entrance to share the empowerment achieved by women to other (oppressed or excluded) subjects?In the following section, we will introduce this idea in an extended fashion. Then, we are going to address the position of women and migrants, the contributions from the so-called feminization of migrations as well as from the feminization of politics to, then, go towards the feminization of our democracies. In the last part, we will debate these ideas to provide a better insight about the position that encounter or embody these two subjectivities: women and migrants, migrantas.