RADOVICH Violeta Soledad
congresos y reuniones científicas
Governance of oil and gas exploration and exploitation at sea towards coastal marine biodiversity preservation
Congreso; 13th Annual Colloquium of the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law; 2015
Institución organizadora:
IUCN (Unión Internacional por la Conservación de la Naturaleza) y Universidad Católica de Atma Jaya, Jakarta, Indonesia
The purpose of this article is to analyse current international regulations applying to exploration and exploitation of oil and gas to identify gaps and inconsistencies in environmental protection and make suggestions for improvements. In a practical sense, implementing change will be problematic. Matters raised by oil and gas exploitation are highly politicized, as evinced by the mere handful of multilateral treaties that deal with the issue in a piecemeal fashion, and otherwise, the lack of uniform regulation. This chapter proffers the argument that an appraisal of the existing regime is important because exploitation of marine oil and gas is increasing worldwide. As well as a lack of uniform regulation to deal with environmental degradation and its consequences, some areas, such as South America, are without regional processes and guidelines.