RADOVICH Violeta Soledad
congresos y reuniones científicas
Might the eco-industrial transformation of the Sea reach the high seas?
Conferencia; Social Science & Humanities KDM Strategy Group (Konsortium Deutsche Meeresforschung, German Marine Research Consortium) Autumn Meeting, The eco-industrial transformation of the Sea ? New social and cultural science research perspectives for marine space; 2023
The objective of the presentation is to analyse the regulation and governance of renewableenergy platforms ̓ installation on the high seas ̵the international waters located beyond 200nautical miles State ̓ s jurisdiction- by answering the following questions and detectingregulatory challenges. Is it currently possible to install platforms on the high seas? Is nowadaysany international institution empowered to grant these permits? How far is the regulation of theArea ̵the ocean and subsoil beyond the limits of national jurisdiction- relevant, considering thatplatforms ̵even mobile ones ̵need to be moored to the seabed? Does the International SeabedAuthority (ISA) play any role? Is the recently approved BBNJ Agreement to conserve marinebiodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction under the Law of the Sea Convention(UNCLOS) applicable this topic? How is indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLCs)knowledge integrated under the new BBNJ Agreement?I use the doctrinal legal approach, focused on the content and meaning of the law as it is (delege data) and the lege farenda approach to revisit the existing framework to considerenvironmental conservation. I employ law in context as an additional methodology.