FORTE Ana Paula
congresos y reuniones científicas
Análisis digital de terreno y metodología usada para el relevamiento de glaciares de escombros inactivos, activos y proto-Lobes, en la Subcuenca del Rio de las Salinas. Cordillera Frontal. Provincia de San Juan. Argentina
Foz do Iguazú
Simposio; XVI Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto; 2013
The goal of this paper is to describes the methodology used in the survey of rock glaciers and mapping of the hydrographic system, from digital terrain analysis, of the Rio de las Salinas basin. This work is framed into the ¨Inventario de Glaciares de la Cuenca del Rio San Juan¨ Project, and it corresponds to an agreement between of the Government of San Juan and the Facultad de Ciencias, Exactas, Físicas y Naturales de la UNSJ. This work has been divided into three stages: firstly, we perfomed digital terrain analysis, which includes the choice and preprocessing of Digital Elevation Models (DEM), and the delineation of watersheds and the layout of the drainage network. Secondly, we studied the presence of rock glaciers and the compilation of the database, with the physical parameters and descriptions of each body. Finally, we performed the interpretation of results. Precision in mapping of the watershed of the different sub-basins and drainage network is limited by the resolution of the Digital Elevation Model, however the fifth and sixth basins order, have been fairly well mapped. The subwatershed study has an area of 323.32 km2, of which 19.84% is occupied by 122 rock glaciers of different types (Cryogenic active, inactive and protalus, and probably some Glacigénicos). The protalus are the most abundant rock glacier type in this environment. Inactive rock glaciers are usually larger and occupy old glacial cirques. Nevertheless, are unidentified discovered glaciers or perennial snow patches.