CAPPOZZO Humberto Luis
Estado de Conservación de los Mamíferos Marinos del Atlántico Sudoccidental.
United Nations Environmental Programma (OCA / PAC)
Lugar: Nairobi; Año: 1991 p. 250
This Report has two aims: the first one is to show to the community the different conservation problems and threats of aquatic mammals in the South West Atlantic Region. The principal problem, in general, about conser­vation is an unknown dynamic population, abundance and distribution of different species and absence of con­servation laws in the countries of the Region. The most important threats on the different cetaceans species inclu­de by‑catches in gillnet fisheries or incidental take; directed take, for example in whaling activities; pollution, for example oil contamination or industrial activity in sensitive areas; habitat destruction, due the use of agrochemicals or industrial waste; habitat fragmentation, for example river fragmentation for hydroe­lectric centrals; habitat degradation; reduction of food supply for competition or overexploitation of fisheries resour­ces. In the pinnipeds case, threats are very similar to those above mentioned, but we must add the commercial catches for fur and testicles trading on fur seals. The manatees have serious conser­vation prob­lems in their distribution area: the Amazonas manatee are in danger of extinction. The river species are particu­larly suscepti­ble to all above types of threats, because the environ­ment is much vulnerable by human activities. This Report also com­prehends a complete biology review on the 47 species of marine mammals and 3 river species of South West Atlantic Region.   Note: The designations of geographical entities, the presenta­tion of the material and the views expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Editor or other partici­pating organizations.