SALERNO Melisa Anabella
capítulos de libros
The landscapes of death among the Selk'nams: place, mobility, memory and forgetting
The Routledge Handbook of Memory and Place
Lugar: New York; Año: 2019; p. 89 - 98
In this chapter I will discuss some of the features defining the landscapes of death among the Selk´nam people of Tierra del Fuego. To this end, I will focus on the flows and tensions between places and mobilities, memory and forgetting, considering the practices that (re)produce relations of proximity/distance between the dead and their survivors. The analysis resorts to different lines of evidence (including archaeological and documentary sources), and it involves a multi-temporal approach which provides an insight into the contingency of historical processes. The analysis includes the landscapes of death within the context of: 1) A religious mission which hosted Selk´nam people in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries; 2) The Selk´nam tradition; 3) Present discussions surrounding the restitution of ancestors´ remains to Selk´nam communities. The organization of the chapter follows the changing landscapes of my thoughts as I carried out the research; that is to say, the places and movements of my impressions and interpretations, and the specific way each context challenged me and made me think about the others. Considering this, I also attempt to critically reflect on my own work and research assumptions.