VOGLER Roberto Eugenio
congresos y reuniones científicas
Códigos de barra genéticos en Aylacostoma chloroticum (Gastropoda: Thiaridae), especie amenazada de Argentina
Viña del Mar
Congreso; XIV Congreso Latinoamericano de Genética. VIII Congreso de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Mutagénesis, Carcinogénesis y Teratogénesis Ambiental. XLII Congreso de la Sociedad Genética de Chile. XXXIX Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina de Genética; 2010
Institución organizadora:
Asociación Latinoamericana de Genética. Asociación Latinoamericana de Mutagénesis, Carcinogénesis y Teratogénesis Ambiental. Sociedad Genética de Chile. Sociedad Argentina de Genética
Snails belonging to Aylacostoma are included in Thiaridae gastropod family, which represents one of the richest pantropical gastropod fauna in freshwater and at least one of the less taxonomically known. Aylacostoma in Argentina-Paraguay was first reported in 1953 and three species were described living in highly oxygenated habitats near the Apipé rapids of Paraná River. Fifty years later, these endemic species were threatened to extinction due to changes in the flow regime caused by the construction of Yacyretá Hydroelectric power plant. Of the three species described before the flood, only A. chloroticum persists at two relict populations upstream of the reservoir. In this study, nine randomly sampled individuals from one of these populations were barcoded to estimate intraspecific microheterogeneity and to test this new potential diagnostic character for better species identification. Novel partial COI sequences (658 bp) were generated. However, no variability within the barcode region was found, suggesting that the population could be originated by a founder event in agreement with the parthenogenetic reproduction of the species. Comparison with other available DNA barcodes demonstrates accuracy for species specific identification. This information together with additional studies being conducted will probably be a valuable aid in conserving this highly threatened snail.